Einstein’s Big Idea
Student Handout
Planning Your Trip
Read your “Reaction Worksheet” advertisement carefully.
For your cruise to Pluto, you will be benumbed in a aircraft that has a accumulation of 135,000 kilograms. Most of the accumulation is in the rocket boosters, which are bare for demography off and artifice Earth’s gravitational field. Your assignment is to biking to Pluto, acreage on its surface, booty samples of the apparent ice and rocks, and again acknowledgment to Earth. To achieve this trip, you will crave a lot of energy-a absolute of 8 x 1032 electron Volts (eV)! Your canoeing dispatch will be 12.0 kilometers per additional (a accelerated 27,000 afar per hour!).
Refer to the equations on your “Reaction Worksheet” advertisement to access the bulk of activity appear per atom austere (or acknowledgment occurred) for anniversary of your fuels. Write these in the tables below. To acquisition the cardinal of reactants (or reactions) you charge for your annular trip, bisect your absolute annular cruise activity by the activity appear per atom (or reaction) for anniversary ammunition type/process listed. Record your results.
Sample adding for wood
To actuate the absolute accumulation (g) of ammunition appropriate to accomplish the trip, accumulate the cardinal of reactants (or reactions) bare for the annular cruise by the accumulation in grams per atom (or reaction) for anniversary ammunition type/process listed. Record your results.
Sample adding for wood
Fuel Type
Mass (g) per Molecule
Energy Appear per Atom (eV)
# Reactants Charge for Annular Trip
Total Accumulation (g) of Ammunition Required
3.0 X 10-22
25 eV
3.2 X 1031
9.6 X 109
2.0 X 10-23
Natural Gas
2.7 X 10-23
1.9 X 10-22
Fuel Process
Mass (g) per Reaction
Energy Appear per Acknowledgment (eV)
# Reactions Charge for Annular Trip
Total Accumulation (g) of Ammunition Required
4.0 X 10-22
1.7 X 10-23
Photon drive
3.4 X 10-24
Write your answers on a abstracted area of paper.
What do all the reactants of copse and deposit fuels accept in common?
Compare the articles of copse and deposit ammunition reactions with the articles of nuclear reactions. How are they the same? How are they different?
Compared to authentic uranium fission, how abounding times added copse would you accept to bake to accomplish the cruise to Pluto? How abounding times added copse compared to a photon drive engine?
If Pluto is 5.9 x 109 kilometers from Earth, how continued will it booty you, in years, to accomplish the cruise to Pluto and acknowledgment home? (Assume a beeline line, a connected dispatch with no deceleration or acceleration, and a acceleration of 12.0 kilometers per second.)
Velocity And Acceleration Worksheet. Encouraged for you to our website, on this time I will explain to you about Velocity And Acceleration Worksheet.